Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Violet Walks!

Violet is going to be one on February third, and I was beginning to believe that she would not be walking by that time, even though she's been crawling, and pulling herself to standing since she was less than six months old, but SHE DID IT!  Two days ago I was just talking to my parents on skype and my dad asked if she was walking yet, to which I replied in the negative, but that very same night, while I was reading to the boys, she stood up next to Karl, and then simply turned and walked away!  Four steps in a row, just like that!  Since then, she's taken as many as ten baby steps without support!  She so wonderful!  We are so proud of our sweet babies!


Holly & Matt said...

I can't wait to see my little peach walking! She's such a big girl!

Anayansi said...

yay! way to go violet!

joelandbecca said...

Wow! What a big girl! I can't believe how time flies! Your baby is growing so fast!

Allison said...

You can't stop her now! I always liked when the kids started to walk because then they're not grabbing everything that is on the floor and they're not as dirty. And I didn't know that her and I have the same BDay!